Oracle Cloud, also known as Oci, provides a generous free tier.

One of the free services is Oci Vault, roughly equivalent to Azure Key Vault, which I use every day at work. But for home projects, I wanted to gain familiarity with Oci Vault. This turned out to be a bit hard, especially as I had to learn a lot of Oci idiosyncrasies along the way.

As I had trouble finding good examples, I am posting the resulting Linqpad code here, in the hope that it will be useful for others.

The code expects the OCI.DotNetSDK.Secrets (version 99 at the time of writing) and OCI.DotNetSDK.Vault (version 100 at the time of writing) packages to be installed.

The code runs in Linqpad 8, and probably previous versions as well. Converting it to a console app should not be hard.

async Task Main()
	// Vault must be provisioned with an encryption key to be operational
	// Private key must be associated with user with access to the vault, 
	// and stored as "oci_private_key" in Linqpad.
	// As Linqpad seems to mangle the key when input (single line),
	// paste the PEM file contents via Paste -> As escaped string, then call
	// Util.SetPassword("oci_private_key", keyString)
	var authConfig = new OciAuthConfig
		UserId = "<snip>",
		Fingerprint = "<snip>",
		PrivateKeyPem = Util.GetPassword("oci_private_key"),
		CompartmentId = "<snip>",
		Region = "eu-frankfurt-1"
	var vaultConfig = new OciVaultsConfig
		VaultId = "<snip>"
	using var vaultsClient = OciClientFactory.CreateVaultsClientFromConfig(authConfig);
	var secrets = await vaultsClient.ListSecrets(new ListSecretsRequest
		CompartmentId = authConfig.CompartmentId,
		VaultId = vaultConfig.VaultId

	var secret = await vaultsClient.GetSecret(new GetSecretRequest{
		SecretId = secrets.Items.First().Id,
	var currentVersion = secret.Secret.CurrentVersionNumber;

	var secretContents = await vaultsClient.GetSecretVersion(new GetSecretVersionRequest{
		SecretId = secrets.Items.First().Id,
		SecretVersionNumber = currentVersion,
	using var secretsClient = OciClientFactory.CreateSecretsClientFromConfig(authConfig);
	var secretBundle = await secretsClient.GetSecretBundleByName(new GetSecretBundleByNameRequest{
		SecretName = "mysecret1",
		VaultId = vaultConfig.VaultId
	Base64SecretBundleContentDetails bundleContent = (Base64SecretBundleContentDetails)secretBundle.SecretBundle.SecretBundleContent;
	var secretValue = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(bundleContent.Content));

public static class OciClientFactory
	public static VaultsClient CreateVaultsClientFromConfig(OciAuthConfig config, ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = null, string endpoint = null)
		var provider = new SimpleAuthenticationDetailsProvider
			UserId = config.UserId,
			Fingerprint = config.Fingerprint,
			PrivateKeySupplier = new PrivateKeySupplier(config.PrivateKeyPem),
			TenantId = config.CompartmentId,
			Region = Oci.Common.Region.FromRegionCodeOrId(config.Region)
		return new VaultsClient(provider, clientConfiguration, endpoint);

	public static SecretsClient CreateSecretsClientFromConfig(OciAuthConfig config, ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = null, string endpoint = null)
		var provider = new SimpleAuthenticationDetailsProvider
			UserId = config.UserId,
			Fingerprint = config.Fingerprint,
			PrivateKeySupplier = new PrivateKeySupplier(config.PrivateKeyPem),
			TenantId = config.CompartmentId,
			Region = Oci.Common.Region.FromRegionCodeOrId(config.Region)
		return new SecretsClient(provider, clientConfiguration, endpoint);

public class OciAuthConfig
	public required string UserId { get; set; }             // E.g. ocid1.user.oc1..aaaa<more chars>
	public required string Fingerprint { get; set; }        // E.g. de:ad:be:ef:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
	public required string PrivateKeyPem { get; set; }      // E.g. -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----<more chars>. Must be associated with user in OCI, cannot handle single-line PEM without headers AFAICT
	public required string CompartmentId { get; set; }      // E.g. ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaa<more chars>
	public required string Region { get; set; }             // E.g. EU_FRANKFURT_1

public class OciVaultsConfig
	public required string VaultId { get; set; }            // E.g.<more chars>