Ordering pages inside sections in OneNote 2016
Out of the box, OneNote 2016 does not offer a way to order pages inside a section. Various for-pay plugins exists which enables this, but as a cheaper alternative, I have written a small Linqpad program to do it.
This is not exactly “best practice” code, but it gets the job done.
The code uses the OneNote client API, so it must run on a machine with OneNote 2016 installed and the relevant notebook open.
private static XNamespace One {get;} = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/onenote/2013/onenote";
static void Main(string[] args)
OrderPagesByCriteria("<my section name>", OrderCriteria.Name, OrderDirection.Ascending);
enum OrderCriteria
enum OrderDirection
static Dictionary<string,string> GetSections()
var app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.OneNote.Application();
app.GetHierarchy("", HierarchyScope.hsSections, out string hierarchyXml);
var hierarchy = XDocument.Parse(hierarchyXml);
var sections = hierarchy.Descendants().Where(d => d.Name == One + "Section");
var sectionNames = sections.ToDictionary(s => s.Attribute("name").Value, s => s.Attribute("ID").Value);
return sectionNames;
static void OrderPagesByCriteria(string sectionName, OrderCriteria orderCriteria, OrderDirection orderDirection)
var sectionIdLookup = GetSections();
var sectionId = sectionIdLookup.ContainsKey(sectionName) ? sectionIdLookup[sectionName] : null;
if (sectionId == null)
$"Section {sectionName} not found".Dump();
var app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.OneNote.Application();
app.GetHierarchy(sectionId, HierarchyScope.hsPages, out string sectionPageHierarchyXml);
var hierarchy = XDocument.Parse(sectionPageHierarchyXml);
var oldHierarchyXml = hierarchy.ToString();
var pages = hierarchy.Root.Elements().Where(d => d.Name == One + "Page").ToList();
pages.ForEach(p => p.Remove());
Func<XElement, string> orderValuePicker;
switch (orderCriteria)
case OrderCriteria.Date:
orderValuePicker = (page) => page.Attribute("dateTime").Value;
case OrderCriteria.Name:
orderValuePicker = (page) => page.Attribute("name").Value;
throw new Exception("Specify OrderCriteria");
var orderedPages = orderDirection == OrderDirection.Ascending ?
pages.OrderBy(p => orderValuePicker(p), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToList() :
pages.OrderByDescending(p => orderValuePicker(p), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToList();
orderedPages.ForEach(p => hierarchy.Root.Add(p));
var newHierarchyXml = hierarchy.ToString();
if (oldHierarchyXml.Length != newHierarchyXml.Length)
"Lengths of old and new hierarchy does not match, aborting".Dump();
$"Pages in section {sectionName} reordered by {orderCriteria} {orderDirection}".Dump();